Weather Forecaster

Project Goal

The goal of this project was to create a program that provides weather forecast information upon city or zip code input.


# Import libraries
import requests
import json
import datetime
from prettytable import PrettyTable
import string

# This function converts sunrise time from Unix seconds to the local timezone.
def sunrise():
    # This calculates Unix seconds to the correct timezone.
    r = rise + time  # rise is the sunrise time in Unix seconds, time is the shift in seconds from UTC.
    t = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(r)  # This converts Unix to readable timestamp.
    risetime = t.strftime('%I:%M %p')
    return risetime

# This function converts sunset time from Unix seconds to the local timezone.
def sunset():
    s = set + time
    n = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(s)
    settime = n.strftime('%I:%M %p')
    return settime

# This will nicely print the information in a table.
def pretty():
    table = PrettyTable()
    table.field_names = ['   Temp   ', 'Feels Like',
                         ' Low Temp ', 'High  Temp', ' Humidity ', 'Wind Speed',
                         ' Sunrise ', '  Sunset  ']
                   '{} mph'.format(ws),'{}'.format(sunrise()),'{}'.format(sunset())])

# This will allow the user to retrieve weather information for additional cities.
def another():
    while True:
        more = input('\nWould you like weather information for another location? (Y/N): ')
        if more == 'y' or 'n':
            more = more.upper()
        if more == 'N':
            print('\nThank you for using Amy\'s Weather Forecaster. Goodbye!')
        if more == 'Y':
        elif more != 'Y':
            print('\nInvalid entry.')
# This is to determine if the input is a city or zip code.
def zip_code():
    api_key = ## ENTER API KEY HERE
    global url
    # If the input contains numbers, it is a zip code.
    if location.isdigit():
        url = '{},{}&appid={}' \
        print('\nRetrieving', url)
    # If the input does not contain numbers, it is a city.
        state = input('What state is {} in? '.format(location))
        url = '{},{},{}&appid={}' \
              '&units=imperial'.format(location, state, 'us', api_key)
        print('\nRetrieving', url)

def main():

print("Thank you for using Amy's Weather Forecaster to get your weather information!")
while True:
    location = input('Please enter a city or zip code: ')
    # This is used to present the city correctly when asking the user for the state.
    location = string.capwords(location)
    response = requests.request('GET', url)
    data = json.loads(response.text)

        info = data['main']
        temp = int(info['temp'])
        feels = int(info['feels_like'])
        high = int(info['temp_max'])
        low = int(info['temp_min'])
        hum = info['humidity']
        ws = int(data['wind']['speed'])
        sys = data['sys']
        rise = sys['sunrise']
        set = sys['sunset']
        place = data['name']
        time = data['timezone']
        weather = data['weather']
        des = weather[0]['main']
        print('\nYour request was successful. \n\nBelow is the current weather '
              'information for: {}'.format(place))
        info = None
    # If there is no data in the info variable, there was an error in the input.
    if info == None:
        print('\n---Failure to Retrieve---\n')


Program Output