My Projects

Photo by Sigmund

Stock Price Forecasting

Stock price forecasting is a strategy used to minimize stock market investment risks. Using historical stock data, I forecasted the 12-month price target of Disney, Comcast, Netflix, and Viacom.

Photo by Ross Parmly

Airline Safety

I use airline data to show air travel is safer than ever with the assistance of different data visualization techniques.

Photo by taylor gregory

Disneyland Review Analysis

I analyzed reviews of Disneyland, Hong Kong Disneyland, and Disneyland Paris to determine the trending topics among satisfied and dissatisfied guests.

Photo by

Credit Card Churn

By predicting which cardholders are most likely to cancel their cards, a company can extend retention offers to encourage their continued business.

Photo by Hush Naidoo

Health Insurance Cost

There are many factors that drive the ever increasing costs of health insurance. Can the cost be predicted based on personal characteristics of the policy holder?

Photo by Mat Weller

Dodgers Marketing Promotion

I used historical game data to decide when to run a marketing promotion to increase attendance.

Photo by

Employee Attrition

High attrition rates may result in a variety of problems for a company. Understanding the factors that affect attrition can help predict which employees are at risk of leaving.

Photo by National Cancer Institute

Breast Cancer Analysis

Breast cancer affects so many. I explored different datasets to determine which attributes were significant in a malignant diagnosis and patient survival.

Photo by Susan Q Yin

Top Selling Books

To demonstrate my data wrangling abilities, I collected and prepared book data from a variety of sources. Then, I merged and stored the data in a SQL database and created visualizations.

Photo by NOAA

Weather Forecaster

This project provides weather forecast information by city or zip code.